Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chemical whimsy to transport you away

"Elements of chemical whimsy" can transport you away when you "encounter them amidst the serious business of science."  This is the premise of a new volume in the American Chemical Society Symposium Series: A Festival of Chemistry Entertainments, edited by Jack Stocker and Natalie Foster.

There are, indeed, little gems of witty observations and rye humor here.  It will be most meaningful to readers with a nodding acquaintance to chemistry - but not only to those chemically minded individuals.  Read about the cat who co-published a seminal paper in low temperature physics, a parody published by the distinguished German journal Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, the shortest abstract (one word) published in Chemical Abstracts (the database now known as SciFinder), and plenty of obscure clues for chemistry themed crossword puzzles - not to mention a rousing update to the song of chemical elements.

Now on the new book shelf.

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