Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day! Get Outside, for Goodness Sake

On this, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, do what you can to appreciate the great outdoors and make a commitment to keep that spirit: respecting the natural world in all of its forms, working to conserve and preserve the corner of the world you inhabit, and supporting efforts of others worldwide who balance environmental, ecological, economic and social justice issues.  The U.S. National Park Service has enveloped Earth Day into National Park Week - if you can't get to a National Park this week in person, visit one online and make plans to enjoy our nation's natural heritage sometime soon.

Looking for the best environmental group to join or support financially?  This list of top-rated charities might help.  One of those top-rated groups, The Union of Concerned Scientists, does an excellent job of presenting complex scientific material in a manner helpful to citizens of any background, and covers a wide range of environmental issues.  This recent publication is an interactive anthology: Thoreau's Legacy: American Stories about Global Warming


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog, I'd been hoping Oberlin would do something like this.

I did a tiny bit to help Dave Egloff in putting together Oberlin's first Earth Day, my senior year in 1970. Good to see it's still happening.

Alison Ricker said...

Dave Egloff - a good leader for that first Earth Day, I'm sure! And good to hear from an obie.