Thursday, January 07, 2016

New faculty publications: Hormones in Alzheimer's; Students as Change Agents

Two new publications from faculty, alumna and staff, as indexed in Web of Science:

Burnham, Veronica L '14., and Janice E. Thornton (Professor or Neuroscience) 2015. Luteinizing hormone as a key player in the cognitive decline of Alzheimer's disease. Hormones and Behavior 76:48-56.  [full text from]

Partial abstract: "Luteinizing hormone, which is increased with age in both men and women (in response to removal of negative feedback), has surfaced as a potentially powerful player in the risk and onset of Alzheimer's disease. Mounting evidence in basic research and epidemiological studies supports the role of elevated luteinizing hormone in exacerbating age-related cognitive decline in both males and females. This review summarizes the recent developments involving luteinizing hormone in increasing the cognitive deficits and molecular pathology characteristic of Alzheimer's disease."

Daneri, Daniel Rosenberg (A. J. Lewis Assistant Project Manager), G. Trencher, and John Petersen (Professor of Environmental Studies). 2015. Students as change agents in a town-wide sustainability transformation: the Oberlin Project at Oberlin College. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 16:14-21.  [full text from]

Partial abstract:  "The potential of multi-stakeholder partnerships to enrich sustainability education through experiential learning is well documented. Yet there is less knowledge about the impacts on partnerships that result from student participation and the models that facilitate students to serve as agents of change and research. To address this knowledge gap, we examine the Oberlin Project at Oberlin College, an ambitious community partnership aimed at town-wide climate neutrality and sustainability. Findings show that contributions to stakeholder learning and partnership progress can occur through student participation models such as project-based learning, transacademic research, and internships."